Budi Rahmawan

Tournament and Events Management (TEM) Sub-Committee

Budi commenced his martial arts career in 1993, prior to studying with the CMAA he trained in several martial arts styles in Indonesia and internationally, including Taekwondo WTF, Tarung Derajat, Aikido and Muay Thai.

In mid-2009, he commenced training at the Combined Martial Arts Academy (CMAA) with Senior Instructor Glen Gardiner, training in Arnis Eskrima, Zen Goshu Goshin Jutsu and Military Unarmed Combat (MUC).

Budi is a member of the CMAA Management Committee responsible for maintaining the club, its facilities and developing opportunities for national and international students to improve their martial skills and participate in competitions, seminars and training opportunities in Indonesia and overseas.

During his time with the CMAA he has competed in national and international competitions in Indonesia and international competitions overseas in the Philippines.

Budi continues his training at the CMAA as well as with other styles and systems developing his own skills and ability while remaining focused toward making a positive difference empowering his students.

  • 1st Dan Cacoy Canete Doce Pares Eskrima/Eskrido

Year Events
Jakarta National Stick Fighting Challenge 2014
  • Men’s Heavyweight Single Stick Division, Silver medal
Competed in the Bali International Stick Fighting Challenge, Bali, Indonesia
Jakarta Stick Fighting Championship 2018
  • Men's 35 years and over Single Stick Division, Silver Medal
GOIFEX International Stick Fighting Challenge 2019
  • Men's 40 years and over Single Stick Kulata Division, Gold Medal
  • Men's 40 years and over Double Stick Kulata Division, Silver Medal
De Been 100% Jiujitsu 3rd Annual Internal Tournament
  • Men’s Heavy and up Division, Bronze Medal
  • Bandung Stick Fighters League Gathering event

Year Events
1993 – 1996
Trained Taekwondo WTF at Pangudi Luhur High School, Jakarta, under Senior Instructors, Sabeum Sudirman Limbong, Sabeum Dede Yusuf, Sabeum Tomi. Grade Green Belt
1996 – 1998
Trained Tarung Derajat at Satlat Bulungan, Jakarta, under Senior Instructors, Kang Dadi, Kang Pungki, Kang Aid, Kang Dadang. Grade Kurata 3
Trained Art of Combat under Senior Instructor, Sony Lalwani
2004 – 2005
Trained Aikido at Pondok Indah Dojo, Jakarta, under Instructors, Sensei Saruam Sianipar and Sensei Ruddy Hidayat. Grade Kyu 5
2005 – 2006
Trained Muay Thai at University of Strathclyde Muay Thai club, Glasgow, under Senior Instructor, Guy Ramsay
2006 – 2009
  • Trained Muay Thai at MTTC, Jakarta, under Senior Instructor, Endy Nahan
  • Started training Arnis/Eskrima at CMAA Jakarta under Senior Instructor, Glen Gardiner Sensei, 9th Dan CCDP WW
  • Trained KAPAP at BSD, Serpong, Under Senior Instructor David
  • Continued training at CMAA under the tutelage of Chief Instructor, GM Glen Gardiner
  • Continued training at CMAA under the tutelage of Chief Instructor, GM Glen Gardiner
  • Supported fighters and students continue to develop skills, ability and experience
Competed in the CDPE WF World Championships – Cebu Philippines
  • Continued training at CMAA under the tutelage of Chief Instructor, GM Glen Gardiner
  • Supported fighters and students continue to develop skills, ability and experience
Competed Jakarta Stickfighting Challenge, Silver medalist Men’s Heavyweight Single Stick Division
  • Competed Bali International Stick Fighting Challenge.
  • Graded 1st Dan CDP Eskrima – Eskrido Cacoy Canete Doce Pares World Wide
2016 – 2017
  • Continued training at CMAA under the tutelage of Chief Instructor, GM Glen Gardiner
  • Supported fighters and students continue to develop skills, ability and experience
  • Competed Jakarta Stick Fighting Championship 2018 - Road to GOIFEX 2019, Silver Medalist Men’s 35 years and over Single Stick Division
  • Commenced training Brazilian Jiujutsu, Under Professor Pierre Suraputra
  • Competed GOIFEX Stick Fighting Challenge, Gold Medalist Men’s 40 years and over Single Stick Kulata Division, Silver Medalist Men’s 40 years and over Double Stick Kulata Division.
  • Competed Debeen 100% Jujitsu 3rd Annual Internal Tournament. Bronze Medalist Men’s Heavy and Up Division.
  • Participated in Stick Fighter League event, Bandung, Indonesia

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