Message from the Executive Leadership Team Chairman
Covid-19 and the result of government lockdowns and restrictions continues to impact people’s lives and their ability to train. In some countries these restrictions have been relaxed and training is returning to some normalcy.
This being said the CMAA family continues to grow with club representation in 5 countries and growing. The executive leadership team and other committee members continue to work hard for the wider CMAA membership. Although the opportunity to host competitions this year has not been possible, a great deal of work has been done on the review of the judging and referee accreditation program. The program is being enhanced to enable instruction to be given online with digital tools being used in the assessment process. Further, the review process for already accredited judges and referees will be implemented by the first half of next year.
Several member clubs will be conducting grading’s and promotions with the first being held in late December 2020 at the CMAA Bunbury Eskrima Club in Western Australia. Further grading’s are scheduled in Indonesia in the first half of 2021.
I would like to express my appreciation to all the instructors who continue to support their students in the promotion of our combative, functional and realistic system. To all those CMAA members in law enforcement and the military, we remain committed to training you to be prepared for the operational roles that you undertake, stay safe.
To our civilian members we equally strive to ensure that you receive the best training possible that is realistic and empowers our students and instilling confidence.
My sincere regards to everyone and wish you all the best in these times during the pandemic and its management. Stay motivated in your training and all the best to you and your families until next we meet.
All the Best,
Glen Gardiner
Executive Leadership Team
Combined Martial Arts Academy
CMAA Jakarta
CMAA Indonesia
CMAA Jakarta
GM. Glen Gardiner at CMAA Jakarta continues to conduct routine weekly training sessions at the Jakarta dojo along with CMAA Instructors: Taufik Nandipinto, Budi Iwan Rahmawan and Harry Wicaksono.
GM Gardiner and the other instructors continue to develop videos for regular release to the wider CMAA membership. These are available at the CMAA Facebook page, Instagram account and the CMAA YouTube channel.
Competitors across Indonesia, Australia and the Philippines including CMAA clubs in those countries participated in and supported the Cacoy Canete Doce Pares online speed striking competition organized by 8th Dan CCDP Master Andrea Wheatley, from Melbourne Australia in association with GM Michael Barker the Senior CMAA instructor in the Philippines and other CCDP senior management members. The event was the brainchild of Andrea as a means to stimulate competition during the Pandemic. The CMAA fielded 25 participants, their results and the results of the competition winners are highlighted below:
Earlier in the year CMAA Jakarta hosted an intensive Combatives training program with participants from Australia, Indonesia and Singapore. The training was conducted over a 5 day period where participants trained combatives and weapons control techniques for 4 hours each day. The final days training was a culmination of the course with participants training at the BRIMOB (Tactical Police) firearms training facility for 4 hours completing a tactical shooting component of the week long combatives training program.
We continue to train members of the Indonesian police and military, in August 2020, CMAA Jakarta trained a squad of Indonesian National Police’s (INP) Mobile Brigade unit (BRIMOB) from Kedung Halang, Bogor, West Java at the CMAA Jakarta dojo. Training sessions covered teaching unit member’s basic combatives and stick fighting techniques. This included competition techniques and rules. The unit later held an internal stick fighting competition among BRIMOB members from Kedung Halang at their regimental base.
MSgt. Idi Tindianto of the Indonesian Army (TNI), and a CMAA Senior Instructor and long time student of GM. Glen Gardiner continues to introduce CMAA’s stick fighting Arnis Eskrima and combatives into the Indonesian Army’s Airborne Infantry unit (KOSTRAD Para - Raider) & the Indonesian National Police’s (INP) Mobile Brigade Counter Terrorist unit (BRIMOB).

MSgt. Idi Tindianto & KOSTRAD Para - Raider team during media interview

CMAA Indonesia members; Top Row (Left to Right) : Sgt. Samsul, MSgt. Idi, Pvt. Rosid, Pvt. Made, Agus; Center Row: Pvt. Andri, I Gde Ayu Putu Maharani, Taufik, Pvt. Gomes, Pvt. Irwan; Bottom Row: Pvt. Dayat.
Select members from the Strategic Command, KOSTRAD Para - Raider 18 “Trisula” Infantry Brigade based in East Java were chosen by the Brigade Commander, Col. (Inf.) Renal Aprindo Sinaga to undergo intensive training in Jakarta under the instruction of GM. Glen Gardiner, Idi Tindianto, and other Senior Instructors from CMAA Jakarta. This has been an annual training program since 2016.
In addition to the combatives program taught which includes extensive weapons training each year personnel have competed in various Eskrima tournaments in Jakarta and Bali; earning medals, trophies, and respect as they went.
Para Raider Battalion soldiers selected for this training then continue to train other military personnel at their East Java duty station in the ways of CMAA stick fighting and combatives. This has also included multiple demonstrations of the system by soldiers for senior Military officers and during the Brigade ceremony for the inauguration of the new Brigade Commander, to replace Col. (Inf.) Renal Aprindo Sinaga.

CMAA Blitar
CMAA Blitar, East Java
CMAA instructor, Tonny Soeharto, a longtime member of CMAA under GM. Glen Gardiner has an established training club in Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
Tony has been involved in continuing training seminars for the Indonesian National Police’s (INP) Mobile Brigade unit in East Java. These seminars were conducted at the INP Mobile Brigade Training (Pusdik) unit based in Watukosek, Pasuruan, East Java. Subjects included, combatives, restraint and removal, weapon retention and counters to edged weapons.
Tony has also introduced the BRIMOB training center to competition stick fighting.
Tony continues to teach from his dojo based in Malang, East Java, partnering with a local martial arts club owner. KOSTRAD members trained by Idi and at CMAA Jakarta regularly attend sessions here to continue to develop their knowledge and shares skills development opportunities with club members and to continue their own education under the tutelage of Tony.

The founder of Bali Sports Foundation (BSF) and CMAA instructor Rodney Holt, has had his activities impacted by the pandemic. Training is expected to get back to normal once restrictions have been lifted in Bali. Rodney will be continuing his weekly training program and is hoping to promote further competitions and events including divisions for disabled fighters who have been valuable members of the wider CMAA family since 2015.
These members have participated in events in Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia where deaf mute Eskrimadors and mobility impaired members are trained by CMAA BSF to compete against competitors with and without disabilities from various countries.
The BSF in association with the wider CMAA membership have highlighted the first ever Wheelchair Eskrima competition, where para-athletes competed in the event, spectators included the Karangasem Regency Government Leaders and Officials. The event was covered by the local media.
CMAA Black Belt John Brindley continues to train in Bali as well at a separate dojo. Speaking with John he's hoping to commence regular training once Pandemic restrictions in Bali have been lifted.
CMAA Borbon – Philippines
CMAA Borbon – Philippines
The Borbon Taipans recently joined the Combined Martial Arts Association CMAA kindly stating it is the most credible organization representing Filipino Martial Arts. Borbon Taipans have been training as a club since 2011 and have participated in three world tournaments, winning gold and silver medals in several divisions.
GM Mick barker said, “we are very excited about our participation with the CMAA not only in respect to FMA training initiatives but also because of the inclusion of other realistic and functional combative systems including the CMAA Combined Combatives training program”. This program was developed by the CMAA Executive Leadership Team Chairman, Glen Gardiner, a former Australian Army service member who for part of his long military career was responsible for teaching Military Unarmed Combat to members of the Australian military and allied forces as well as several military and policing counter terrorist groups from Australia, Indonesia and the USA.
As the Borbon Taipans club has progressed a dojo was built over the sea with the aim of providing a cultural experience for foreign participants travelling to the Philippines to train as well as being the main dojo for the group who are located several hours outside Cebu.
Like many people across the world the activities in the Philippines has been restricted due to the pandemic response. For most of this year training has been heavily restricted and the club has been closed throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns due to Philippine government restrictions however, we expect to be opening again early in 2021 and extend an offer of sincere hospitality in inviting all interested groups to come and visit and train with us.
CMAA Bunburry
CMAA Bunbury Eskrima, Bunbury, Western Australia
Senior instructor - Dean Carter 3rd Dan
Women’s Self Defence Programs
We were recently contacted in late October by a local government shire council who had been referred to use CMAA Bunbury Eskrima to conduct a Women’s Self Defence Program. The program developed was structured to maximize the benefits of theoretical and practical experiential learning opportunities within a short timeframe. All practical aspects of the program were conducted in a venue that was suitably equipped providing a safe training environment.
The program was taught by qualified instructional staff. The course was conducted over a 90 minute period. Impressed by the functional, realistic and no nonsense techniques they had learnt, all the participants enjoyed the program.
Participants were exposed to the reality of defending against a committed attacker, the need for security awareness and the defenders obligation to be compliant to legislative requirements and the use of force continuum. Since this course Bunbury Eskrima have conducted several other self-defence training programs
Bunbury Eskrima Upcoming December Grading
The club is excited to participate in the planned December CMAA international grading process. Sensei Dean Carter has been in close contact with CMAA Executive Leadership Team Chairman, GM Glen Gardiner who is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. GM Gardiner and the other senior CMAA members of the CMAA Grading Committee which includes Sensei Dean Carter, GM Mick Barker, Sensei Taufik Nandipinto and Sensei Tom Goldsworthy will conduct the grading as per CMAA criteria and standards.
GM Gardiner and the other senior members of the CMAA established the association where CMAA member clubs can retain their individual identity while benefiting from the standards of an organization that seeks to stand out as a quality martial art association. Member clubs and the leadership of the CMAA strive to promote, realistic and functional martial arts training that empowers the CMAA membership.
CMAA Townsville, Queensland, Australia
CMAA Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Tom Goldsworthy, the Senior Instructor at CMAA Townsville is an experienced martial artist holding multiple black belts from multiple systems. Like other CMAA clubs training has been restricted as a result of the pandemic and government restrictions in Australia. Tom has been promoting the system since its establishment. A highlight was CMAA Townsville members in 2018 competing in the WEKAF World Championship stick fighting competition in Maui, USA. Tom placed 1st in the Men’s Open Super Heavyweight Kulata and also earned a silver medal in the men’s 40 - 49 years Super Heavyweight Double Stick category.
Tom is planning to continue supporting Members of CMAA Townsville training under his tutelage, to continue preparing for various competition events and learn effective self-defense techniques.