The Club and Member Management Sub-committee is responsible to develop and maintain a digital database and management system and update the appropriate member records ensuring that all records are accurate and current and available to the relevant Senior Instructor of member clubs and the applicable individual member. This is in reference to Club and individual member memberships, grading and promotion outcomes and Judge and Referee Accreditation Program outcomes.

The CMM-SC is responsible for liaison with all member club Senior Instructors and individual members for the timely payment of all appropriate CMAA annual club and member fees, grading and promotion fees and expenses, Judge and Referee Accreditation Program training fees and competition, tournament and event participation fees as appropriate.

The CMM-SC is responsible for the development and maintenance of the CMAA website and portal for CMAA member club and Individual member support needs.

The ELT will provide oversight, direction and guidance in the execution of the responsibilities of the CMM-SC.

Taufik Nandipinto

Taufik is a Senior Instructor and member of the Management Committee at the Combined Martial Arts Academy

Wesley Barnes

Wes is a currently the Head of CMAA Singapore Study Group

Harry Wicaksono

Harry is a senior member and instructor at the Combined Martial Arts Academy Jakarta, Indonesia.


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