The Combined Martial Arts Association

The Combined Martial Arts Association (CMAA) is the umbrella organization administering all Combined Martial Arts Academies, schools and affiliated clubs. This includes policy, procedure, and process, syllabus development and maintenance, promotion and grading's, events, activities, seminars, competitions and instructor/other member development .

Quality of instruction is a priority as is the safety and security of the wider CMAA membership. The CMAA assists member clubs manage the various systems and styles taught.

To date, the CMAA has club representation in Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Cambodia.

The role of the Combined Martial Arts Association (CMAA) is to assist member clubs and affiliated schools, providing guidance, direction and support for policy development and ensuring a professional structure to support its membership.  This is achieved through policy direction, support and assistance to CMAA member clubs as well as providing guidance, support and member assistance. This includes training syllabus development, grading and promotion, assistance for event management, referee and judge accreditation, certification, registration and the currency renewal of such as highlighted below:

  • The Combined Martial Arts Association is responsible for the management of member clubs and schools and their membership providing support and assistance to individual members and club and school Senior Instructors.
  • The Combined Martial Arts Association is responsible for the development of the rules, regulations and guidelines for official CMAA competitions for participants to compete in.
  • The Combined Martial Arts Association is responsible to develop competition judges, referees and tournament officers
  • The Combined Martial Arts Association is responsible for management support for member clubs, schools and their members regarding promotion and grading within the CMAA styles and systems taught.
  • The Combined Martial Arts Association is responsible for the development and management of criteria and content for the development of participating clubs, schools and their membership training syllabuses
  • The Combined Martial Arts Association is responsible for development of its instructors ensuring quality control compliance to the code of conduct and safety and security compliance requirements

This includes the following:

  • Policy Development, Implementation and Maintanence
  • Training Syllabus Development and Maintenance
  • Grading and Promotional Requirements
  • Development and Maintenance of Competition Rules and Guidelines
  • Provision of Tournament and Competition Management Support
  • Development and Maintenance of Judging and Referee Training Accreditation and Registration Criteria
  • Member Registration and Assistance Support

The Structure of the CMAA is highlighted as follows:

  • The Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
  • The Grading and Promotion Management (GPM) Sub-Committee
  • The Training Syllabus and Management (TSM) Sub-Committee
  • Tournament and Events Management (TEM) Sub-Committee
  • The Club and Member Management (CMM) Sub-Committee
The Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is responsible for the oversight of all CMAA activities, supporting the needs of member clubs and maintaining oversight of individual members welfare.

The ELT is the only Approval Authority within the CMAA pertaining to the management of the CMAA Sub-Committees and associated policy, procedures, systems, guidelines and administrative requirements of the CMAA.

The ELT provides oversight, direction, guidance and approval for all development, implementation and amendment of all CMAA policy, procedures and the CMAA Sub-Committees.

The Grading and Promotion Management (GPM) Sub-Committee

The GPM-SC is responsible for the oversight of all CMAA grading and promotions within the CMAA that encompass the different styles and systems taught. The sub-committee members may appoint additional members as specific subject matter experts as appropriate on an as required basis only and will submit their recommendations to the ELT for review, comment and approval.

The ELT will review the recommendations of the GPM-SC before either returning to the GPM-SC with direction and or guidance for further review and or action or make a final decision concerning grading and promotion of each individual CMAA member. The ELT will notify the CMMA Club and Member Management Sub-Committee (CMM) of the results of any grading and or promotion board.

The GPM-SC will develop and maintain a digital database and management system and update the appropriate member records ensuring that all records are accurate and current. The CMM-SC is responsible for liaison with all club Senior Instructors and individual members for the timely payment of all appropriate grading and promotion fees and expenses.

The final authority concerning any grading and promotion of individual members in the CMAA rests with the Chairman and members of the ELT.

The Training Syllabus and Management (TSM) Sub-Committee

The TSM-SC is responsible for the development, maintenance and update of the Training Syllabus used within the CMAA that encompass the different styles and systems taught. The sub-committee members may appoint additional members as specific subject matter experts as appropriate on an as required basis only and will submit their recommendations to the ELT for review, comment and approval.

The ELT will review the recommendations of the TSM-SC and give an opportunity for the Senior Instructors in the wider CMAA membership to comment before either returning to the TSM-SC with direction and or guidance for further amendment action or make a final decision concerning changes to the CMAA syllabus.

The final authority concerning any changes to the CMAA Training Syllabus rests with the Chairman and members of the ELT.

Tournament and Events Management (TEM) Sub-Committee

The TEM-SC is responsible for the development, maintenance, amendment management and compliance of the CMAA tournament and competition rules and guidelines. The TEM-SC is responsible to advise member clubs and event promoters on compliance to the CMAA Risk Management and OH & S Policies for all tournaments, competitions and events.

The TEM-SC is responsible to develop, maintain and amend as required a Training and Accreditation Program to approve all Judges and Referees ensuring continuity of accreditation. Only CMAA approved and current accredited Judges and Referees are allowed to officiate at CMAA events, tournaments and competitions.

The ELT remains the sole authority for all CMAA approved and sanctioned competitions, tournaments and events. The ELT will also be responsible to approve only current accredited Judges and referees including the Senior Judge and Referee and competition, tournament and Event Manager in support of member clubs and promoters.

The Club and Member Management (CMM) Sub–Committee

The CMM-SC is responsible to develop and maintain a digital database and management system and update the appropriate member records ensuring that all records are accurate and current and available to the relevant Senior Instructor of member clubs and the applicable individual member. This is in reference to Club and individual member memberships, grading and promotion outcomes and Judge and Referee Accreditation Program outcomes.

The CMM-SC is responsible for liaison with all member club Senior Instructors and individual members for the timely payment of all appropriate CMAA annual club and member fees, grading and promotion fees and expenses, Judge and Referee Accreditation Program training fees and competition, tournament and event participation fees as appropriate.

The CMM-SC is responsible for the development and maintenance of the CMAA website and portal for CMAA member club and Individual member support needs.

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